318 South Main Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

Museums around the world are changing the ways in which they present information about indigenous cultures, often collaborating with these communites to change exhibits, remove them, or create new ones. In keeping with these international efforts, the Exhibit Museum has decided to remove its Native American dioramas. Central to all of these efforts are questions of authority and ownership: who tells the story, what story is told, where, and how? Join prominent author, museum consultant, and past interim director of the Cranbook Institute of Science Elaine Heumann Gurian; Director of the Museum of Anthropology at Arizona State University Gwyn Isaac; and Bay Mills Ojibwe tribal member Veronica Pasfield for a fascinating exploration of museums and cultural communities.

Join us for hors d’oeuvres at 5:30 and a brief presentation at 6:00 pm, followed by discussion.  Participants must be 21 to purchase alcoholic beverages.  Everyone is welcome and invited to purchase additional food and beverages.

Added by Dan Madaj on September 14, 2009