Pacific First Center Building 851 SW Sixth Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97204

Presented by the Phoenix Forum

These forums will feature a company that has re-emerged from economic hardship both stronger and with a strategy for continuing growth, three individual stories of technology professionals who turned their professional adversity into opportunity, or stories of local companies that soundly weathered the economic storm and are on the lookout for strategic talent to support its ongoing success.

From this our audience will discover:

* Strategies for business growth in this recession.
* A community of innovative technology professionals.
* Strong companies looking for top talent.

We can't pretend that the worst of the recession is behind us, but we can recognize the ingenuity and fortitude of Portland's tech professionals. We hope you'll join us to tell your story, listen and support your community. There will be three Forums throughout January, February and March, followed by a capstone event in the Spring where we'll celebrate the most compelling stories we've heard.

Mark Lawler, VP Technology, Thomson-Reuters / Sabrix
Brooks Gilley, Director, 52 Limited

Official Website:

Added by sao on March 26, 2010