201 W. Marcy St
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501

Free Admission. The theme for this year is "Samurai". 2 special guest groups are performing Samurai Swordmanship and theatrical form of swordmanship. Grammy winner Taiko drummer, Koji Nakamura will perform Taiko dramming as well. Local groups are performing all day at the stage. The tea group is serving free tea and sweets in the afternoon. Japanese food booths, Arts and Craft booths, Workshops, Silent Auction, Raffles and much more. All day fun event for whole family. Location: Santa Fe Convention Center, downtown.
Contact: Shizuko Kobayashi
Phone: 505-471-9022
URL: http://www.santafejin.org
Ticket Prices: Free

Added by maggiemichi on March 6, 2010

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