420-450 E Persian Drive
Sunnyvale, California


We are pleased to let you know that Samskrita Bharati is conducting the annual Sanskrit Shloka recitation competition for kids and adults. Given that Yoga is popular in the US, this year we have selected Maharṣī Patanjali’s Yogaśāstra since it succinctly summarizes the science of Yoga in sūtra-form (aphorisms). This gives all of us including our children an opportunity to learn to recite these aphorisms.

Date - Sat, 9th April 2011
Time - 10:00am to 2:00pm
Venue - Sunnyvale Hindu Temple, 450 Persian Drive, Sunnyvale.
Who can participate?
Kids from various grades starting from KG can participate (Including Adults). [Kids – KG to 8th Grade; Youth – 9th Grade & above; Adults – Recite from memory or text.]
For downloading Text and Audio of Sutras and Registration: http://www.samskritabharati.org/ (Go to Events Tab- RegisterNow!)

Please take sometime to look at the shlokas from the website and have your children exhibit their Yoga Sutra Shloka recital talent.

Feel free to forward this information to your friends who will be interested.

Samskrita Bharati Volunteer Group

E-mail: [email protected]
For more information, please visit http://www.samskritabharati.org

Added by Samskrita Bharati on February 13, 2011

Interested 1