720 22nd Street
Denver, Colorado 80205

The San Francisco Mime Troupe presents

A New Political Musical Comedy

'Red State'
A small, neglected town in a Red State suddenly finds itself at the forefront of a political storm! Due to an Electoral College tie-and a voting machine glitch-the entire Presidential Election comes down to the one district that didn't report any results. Bluebird, Kansas is the most important town in America! But as they are pressured to quickly revote, some Bluebirders, surrounded by their crumbling, forgotten town, wonder: What is their quick revote worth to America? Funding a new sidewalk? A rebuilt school? Should one town hold an entire nation's election hostage in order to get long lost federal funding? And is a new library in a small town worth one less tank in Iraq? And would the government keep its promises to help voter insurgents in a... Red State?

The San Francisco Mime Troupe is the premier political musical comedy theater in America. This is a rare opportunity to see their unique brand of agitprop musical theater outside of California.

Added by dsgallagher on August 7, 2008