906.5 Divisadero Street At McAllister
San Francisco, California

Salt was once among the most prized of all commodities in human existence. It’s where we get the word salary, and where expressions like “worth your salt” come from. Salt – you’ve come a long way baby, because we can now pretty much get as many packets of salt for our popcorn as we want. It’s called living the dream! But, hey we’re not talking about sea salted caramel here! We’re talking about the kind of salt no one wants to eat. Were talking about the kind of salt that usually has the modifier “bastard” attached to it. We’re talking about longshoremen, pirates, your uncle Sal, yeah, that kind of Salty. As far as we know there’s not been another show like this one since Don Rickles was a regular guest of Johnny Carson’s.
Salty is part one of a three part, 3 month uber-show! Be sure to check out Sweet and Seedy coming February 8 and March 8 2013. Damn son!

Added by Big Umbrella Studios on January 6, 2013