High Street, Rusper
Horsham, England RH124RB

Attractions include Punch and Judy (1pm and 2pm), Maypole Dancing(1.45pm and 3pm), Bowl a Pig, splat the rat, pet's corner, coconut shy, traction engine plus - take the highest church tower in West Sussex...one parachute...and your brave teddy. Introducing Teddy's Leap of Faith.

Competitions: Tug of War (4pm), welly throwing, Panto Horse races (2.45pm, 3.30pm and 3.45pm), Egg and spoon races

Food and drink: Enjoy cream teas, cakes, pig roast, Candy floss.
The Star (http://www.horshampub.co.uk/star.html) and The Plough (http://www.horshampub.co.uk/plough.html) will be open plus The Royal Oak Drinks (http://www.horshampub.co.uk/royaloak.html) tent

Festivities start at 12.30.

Added by almacaw on April 14, 2009