1269 Hamilton Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 6A8

When: Monday, October 30, 2006, 6:00 PM 20061031T020000Z
Where: Diner - 1269 Hamilton Street, Vancouver (Yaletown; between Davie and Drake) Vancouver , BC V6B 6A8 - 604-444-4855


Dear Real Estate Professionals of Vancouver and beyond!

My business partner Stephen Jagger and I have been meaning to engage our colleagues and clients in an informal environment for quite some time.

We thought it would be cool to hold these monthly Meetups to facilitate discussion of everything Real Estate, but of all things "Real Estate Technology" in particular.

Our industry is changing fast and we figure its best to explore and predict these changes amongst other Real Estate Professionals in an informal environment.

So here is to the success of all of you and the Vancouver Real Estate Professional Meetup!


Michael Stephenson and Stephen Jagger

Monday, October 30, 2006, 6:00 PM

1269 Hamilton Street, Vancouver (Yaletown; between Davie and Drake)
Vancouver , BC V6B 6A8


Who should come? Are newcomers welcome?
All Real Estate Professionals are welcome to come. Thinking of buying or selling a home? Well, you should come by as well and meet Vancouver's leading Real Estate Professionals in a great relaxed environment.

Why should people come?
To learn more and discuss all things Real Estate with Vancouver's leading Real Estate Professionals.

What will it be like?
Hmmmmm..... let me think about it..... It will be FUN and interesting! So get yourself down there.

Should you bring anything?
Questions, answers and good spirits. Oh, speaking of spirits there will be a cash bar available. Please walk or cab, bus, teleport or get a ride if you intend to drink!

How will you find us when they get there?
The good folks from Ubertor.com will be at the door to bestow upon thee a Glorious Personalized Name Tag for all to admire!

PLEASE RSVP HERE so that we know how many to expect. Thanks

Official Website: http://realestateagent.meetup.com/109/calendar/5227182/

Added by ubertor on October 27, 2006



I will attend and look forward to it....