361 Metropolitan Ave
Brooklyn, New York 11211

The Rock Lottery began in Denton, TX in 1997 (and in Seattle in 2006). This will be Brooklyn's inaugural Rock Lottery. The premise is simple, but effective. Twenty-five hand picked musicians meet at 10:00AM at the evening's performance venue. These volunteers are organized into five groups through a lottery-based chance selection. The five separate groups are then released to practice at different locations. The musicians have twelve hours to create a band name and three to five songs (with a one cover-song limit). The groups will then perform what they have created that evening in front of a waiting audience.

The twenty-five musicians included in the experiment are selected in an attempt to represent a wide variety of musical styles. This event intends to bring together many facets of the Brooklyn music community that may seem incompatible as well as musicians whose interests may conflict. The challenge for these musicians is to try and go beyond their personal and musical differences and work together to create a unified group project that still contains the personal styles of each of the participants. All proceeds from Rock Lottery go to a local charity, World Savvy.

In the past, Rock Lottery has featured over three hundred musicians from some of Denton/Dallas & Seattle's most acclaimed national and international acts (Aqueduct, Bedhead, The Baptist Generals, Brave Combo, Built to Spill, Centro-matic, Fleet Foxes, Harvey Danger, Lift to Experience, The Long Winters, Maktub,Mother love Bone, Murder City Devils, Pedro the Lion, The Polyphonic Spree, The Riverboat Gamblers, Slobberbone, Smoosh, Tiny Vipers, and The Toadies, among many others).

Confirmed musicians for this year: Alix Brown (Golden Triangle), Brad Oberhober (Oberhofer), Bradford Reed (King Missile III), Elea Logan (Adult Themes/Happy New Year), Eric Biondo (Antibalas/Beyondo/Superhuman Happiness), Greg Fox (Liturgy/Dan Deacon/GDFX), Jeff Moore (Dead Stars), Johnny Sierra (The Death Set), Jon Philpot (Bear In Heaven), Jonny Ollsin (Children/Family Band), Juile Potash (Hesta Prynn/Northern State), Liam Andrew (Dinowalrus), Miles Benjamin, Nara Tiang, Pan (Suckers), Sean Adams (Your Youth/Elks), Seth Jabour (Les Savy Fav), Stephen Patterson (White Rabbits), Tanya Horo (Sherlock's Daughter), Tlaceal Esparza (ARMS/ Frances/ El Topo) and more guests to be announced shortly. Stay tuned!

Official Website: http://bk.knittingfactory.com/event-details/?tfly_event_id=22059

Added by margszie on December 6, 2010

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