370 New York Ave
Huntington, New York 11743

House of Gold & Bones Parts 1 & 2 is a collection of 23 tracks that follow an immersive, linear storyline. Part one – the first eleven songs – will be released on October 23, 2012. Part two will be released next year, completing the story. The songs set the tone and follow the action, but House Of Gold & Bones is an experience across all media - the videos, the online presence, the album packaging, the live show, and even a graphic novel will all follow, and expand on, the story. It's a lofty undertaking, but Stone Sour have never shied away from a challenge. With them, it's par for the course.

Official Website: http://www.paramountny.com/shows/

Added by The Paramount on February 27, 2013

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