88 Fair Drive
Costa Mesa, California 92626

From the first days of parenthood, the barnyard looms large. We sang "Old MacDonald", and read a gaggle of baby books, all of which featured characters that go quack and moo. Animal characters faded into the background as our kids grew older, but there's no age limit to learning how it feels when a pig wiggles its snout on your leg. We spent a wonderful day at Animal Acres, a farm sanctuary in Acton, California, where its founder rescues and cares for animals that are usually raised as food. Visitors are encouraged to cuddle up to many of the animals; our kids got to know a Brahma Bull, laughed at water fowl fighting over their food, and got cozy snuggling lambs on their laps.

After making friends with barnyard denizens, we went home and screened Babe, a farmyard fairy tale about a pig with hidden talents. We highly recommend this clever, Oscar winning film for everyone in your family -- after enjoying the clever dialogue and wry humor, bacon will never look the same. Your local County Fair is also a great way to see farm animals up close and personal. The Orange County Fair is open until August 3rd.

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Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of pjbosc.

Added by pjbosc on July 24, 2008

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