100 South Virginia St
Renoq, Nevada 89501

Come celebrate the 2nd anniversary of Reno Tahoe Comedy with comedian Justin Rupple and friends. Rupple was voted Reno Tahoe's Favorite Act of 2012, with over 15 impersonations, music and yes, even dancing! Justin Rupple is fresh off his appearance on Fox as well a new nationally televised commercial.

Based in LA, Rupple’s the winner of two major comedy competitions and recently recorded his second full-length album 'Magic Moment' in Reno at the Pioneer Underground.

INCLUDED FREE with your purchased ticket is an autographed and personalized copy of Justin's CD and in honor of the late great Andy Kaufman, enjoy cookies and milk with Rupple after the show! Laugh harder than ever as Rupple unveils BRAND NEW STORIES and JOKES, and brings some of the most talented local and national comics with him.

Official Website: http://www.renotahoecomedy.com

Added by Tahoe Comedy North on February 19, 2013

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