100 South Virginia St
Renoq, Nevada 89501

Reno Tahoe Comedy is pleased to announce legendary comedian Tony D’Andrea as our headliner! Tony’s act is a whirlwind tour of thoughts and impressions with stops at platforms even D’Andrea doesn’t realize are on the itinerary. Impressions mixed with stand-up; it’s a formula that has gained favor with audiences all over the country. When you see D’Andrea, you get Nicholson, Pesci, and a whole lot more.

Reno entertainer Elgin will be our host for night. Elgin’s stage presence, comedic mind and unique brand of stand up comedy have been winning over discriminating audiences for years. Elgin is a multi-talented performer, honing his skills as an actor, musician, writer, director and comedian in venues all over the Reno area. Don’t miss Elgin in his upcoming performance with Reno Tahoe Comedy!

Guest appearances will be made by Judi Dixon and Sean Connors. Judi constantly writes new material based on funny situations, stories and experiences that she gains from her everyday life. Sean will have you grasping for your inner-kid in a raucous uproar of dry humor guaranteed to make you laugh out loud.

Buy Tickets

Tickets for this event are $11 in advance and $16 the day of the show. Get more information and buy tickets at www.renotahoecomedy.com. Tickets are also available at the Pioneer Center for the Arts box office from 11am – 6pm Monday through Friday and at the Pioneer Underground on Fridays and Saturdays between 7pm and 11pm. Fees may apply. Comedians subject to change. No refunds. For a complete Reno Tahoe Comedy schedule, go to www.renotahoecomedy.com.

Official Website: http://www.renotahoecomedy.com

Added by Tahoe Comedy North on December 5, 2011

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