7538 Westheimer
Houston, Texas 77063

BCO & REI Present: Backpacking 101 - Once you have mastered the basics of camping and hiking, the next step is backpacking! Imagine, after a day of hiking through forests, you get to relax in a remote campsite using only what you have brought in your backpack! Backpacking really is the ultimate way to get outside! Sound too difficult? It won't be once you learn the basics in Backpacking 101.

We will review trip-planning tips, gear lists, safety advice, and other essential wisdom every backpacker ought to know. There will also be backpacking fittings and demonstrations.

Speaker: Kelly Howard. Kelly Howard has helped people connect to each otherover activities and exciting adventures in and around the Houstonarea for the past 14 years! As the owner of Bayou City Outdoors, Kelly loves to introduce Houstonians to fitness in fun and simple ways.

7:00 PM - Class; 8:00 PM - Gear demonstrations. REI, 7538 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77063. Details and RSVP at www.BayouCityOutdoors.com or call 713-524-3567

Official Website: http://www.BayouCityOutdoors.com

Added by eventscafe22 on August 19, 2009

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