1028 N. Rush
Chicago, Illinois 60611

A realwinter icebreaker, The Red Shoe Rendezvous features 20 dynamic bachelors and bachelorettes with great date packages strutting their stuff to raise funds for Ta-Da! International, a charity dedicated to helping people with exceptional challenges celebrate their little victories. http://www.tadain.org To view the lineup of terrific B/B go to http://.www.redshoeevents.com

CBS2 Anchor Sylvia Gomez is the emcee and an a guitar autographed by the Rolling Stones will be fought over and auctioned off.

Music by Jazz Conspiracy and vocals by Take Ten keep the room hot.

Two free drinks, hot hor'doeurves, and a kick-ass silent auction table round out the action.

$60. in advance $70. after 2/1/05

Added by Ta-Da! on December 31, 2005



we dropped in last year and it was hot, hot, hot. Fondled a Paul McCartney guitar and drank red shoe stiletto martinis.