2001 W Anderson Ln
Austin, Texas 78757

Network & Discuss Wealth Strategies in a changing economic climate.

Hosted by: Ellis San Jose, with over 20 years of experience in real estate & stock market investing. Network & share with other investors. All levels are welcome from beginners to experts.

THIS IS NOT A SEMINAR. Our goal is to have informal conversations about the investing climate and investment opportunities by facilitating discussions about real estate and the economy, with the ultimate goal of learning from each others' diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Whether you're interested in investing in real estate, businesses, or other opportunities, you will find that our discussions will likely relate directly to your investing interests. Our hope is that we will ultimately serve as a great learning and networking forum for investors of all levels.

Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/fibiaustin/

Added by streetsmartinvestor on November 18, 2008