120 Morris Street
Durham, North Carolina 27701

Looking Closely: Art Quilts by Christine Hager-Braun, will be shown in the Durham Arts Council’s Ella Fountain Pratt Legacy Gallery from March 16th-July 15th 2012. Christine Hager-Braun is a two-time Durham Arts Council Emerging Artist Grant Recipient (2007-2008 and 2011-2012). Her abstract art quilts and fabric compositions often explore emotions, their effect on individuals and their influence on relationships. In addition, she finds artistic inspiration in nature. The show is part of the Durham Arts Council’s year round exhibition program. The public is invited to a free opening reception on April 20th, 2012, from 5-7pm as part of Durham’s Third Friday.

Added by durhamartscouncil on February 13, 2012

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