300 Washington Avenue SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

Join us for a forum, chaired by University of Minnesota Provost Karen Hanson, on why large research universities need to do more to offer interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate education. Remarks by Myron Gutmann, Assistant Director, National Science Foundation, followed by responses and comment by David L. Fox, Department of Earth Sciences, College of Science and Engineering; J. B. Shank, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts; and Dominique Tobbell, Program in the History of Medicine, Medical School. Gary Cohen, Department of History, will host the event.

Dr. Gutmann is Assistant Director of the National Science Foundation where he heads the Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences. He is a distinguished demographer and economic historian whose interests include interdisciplinary historical population studies, especially relating population to agricultural, the environment, and health. He also studies ways that digital materials can be properly preserved and shared, and how the confidentiality of research subjects can be protected when data about them is made available for secondary use. He is an expert on historical demography and the social, demographic and economic history of Europe and the Americas.

Official Website: https://events.umn.edu/016968

Added by UMN Institute for Advanced Study on January 31, 2012