201 Courtland Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

The ‘Quadruple A’ (African American Authors in Atlanta) Literary Event on May 30th, 2009 promises to be a full-day literary experience, starting with Nia Promotions' "Books, Beauty and Banter" Breakfast from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the Wyndham Garden Hotel, 175 Piedmont Ave. NE, Atlanta 30303. This will be a buffet with the participating authors.
Breakfast Admission: $25 before April 15/$40 after April 15

Breakfast includes a marketing brainstorming session with Dana Pittman, CEO of Nia Promotions. Readers who attend Breakfast will get free admission into The Uptown Restaurant & Lounge.
**Please note: Free Uptown admission does NOT include a free book. **

Next, it’s on to the Peachtree Branch Library, 1315 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta, 30309 from 12:30-2 p.m. for readings by such authors as: Ja Adams, Brooklyn Darkchild, Diane Dorcé, Deidra Green, Gail McFarland, Jean Holloway, Abe M. Hudson, TL James, Patrick Muhammad, Danyelle Scroggins, DeiIra Smith-Collard, Derek Vitatoe, John R. Williams and Arlether Wilson.

The final stop of The 'Quadruple A' (African American Authors in Atlanta) Literary Event is from 3-7 p.m. at The Uptown Restaurant and Lounge, 201 Courtland St. Atlanta, 30306. Authors & readers will get to meet and mingle (and buy or sell books, of course.)
General Admission: $25 before April 15/$40 after April 15 includes FREE autographed book!

There will be light hors'dourves and a cash bar. All three venues are within a 5 mile radius! Come enjoy the whole day with 30 authors for only $35.00 including shuttle transportation!
Tickets are available at http://quada.eventbrite.com

Venders Admission: $50 before April 15/$75after April 15 (Marketing materials will be distributed/displayed at breakfast.)

Added by jayway10 on March 17, 2009