2775 S. Broadway
Englewood, Colorado 80113

23 alternating Sunday mornings beginning 9/13.
For this class we will study each of the 22 paths upon the Qabalistic Tree of Life from a Wiccan perspective. The first part of each class will be a discussion of a specific path, and the past part of the clas will be a guided pathworking specifically designed for that path, using Dolores Ashcroft-Norwiki's The Shining Paths. We are presenting this class with the goal of empowering individuals in their knowledge of Qabala and its usefulness as a tool for personal growth. Robin Vinehall is a 3rd degree Gardnerian Wiccan High Priest who has been HP of several more-or-less traditional covens, has trained quite a few students and has recently incorporated Qabala into his practices. Mary Reeves, over the past 12 years, has studied Qabala with the Builders of the Adytum, Fraternatas Lux Occultis and Pharos. She is a 2nd degree Wiccan High Priestess. Students should have a basic understanding of the Tree of Life before signing up for this class. Anyone who did not take the Qabalistic Wicca class offered at Isis earlier this year should call the instructor, Mary Reeves, 303-933-6540. A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism by Gareth Knight will also be needed for the class.

Official Website: http://www.isisbooks.com

Added by Isis Books and Gifts on August 23, 2009