622 SE Grand Ave
Portland, Oregon 97214

You're at a cocktail party and someone asks you what you do for a living. The next sentence you speak could mean the difference between a referral or a completely irrelevant conversation.

In this short workshop, we will explore personal branding. Personal branding goes deeper than your slogan; it's about knowing the value you bring to your community and expressing it powerfully.

If you are uncomfortable putting your best foot forward, or are having a tough time standing out from the others in your profession, this workshop is for you!

Future workshops will address your website and email marketing strategies.

Al Polito is a Communications Consultant who helps the world understand what his clients have to offer.
Event Contact:

RSVP to Al at 503-708-9394 if you'd like pizza to snack on while enjoying the workshop.

Added by Eva Schweber on January 25, 2008