45 Main Street, 2nd floor
Brooklyn, New York 11201

As mobile applications, or "apps", proliferate in App Stores everywhere, most people focus directly on the app itself. But let's take a step back and look at the environments in which these apps live. How do we effectively design a service that offers not just apps, but SMS, mobile web, HTML5, and desktop integration? And can such environments exist on other platforms besides the iPhone? Join us for an evening with Leland Rechis of Twitter, as he tells us what mobile services have to offer, what other operating systems offer, and how to tie them together to deliver great experiences for a wide range of users. Join us for a great discussion on mobile user experience - meaning, come prepared with questions! Leland Rechis has designed mobile experiences for many mobile services, including Google Search, Android Market, and most recently, Twitter. In addition to the Android Market, Leland led the design of key services core to the openness of the Android operating system, including the Web Browser, Input Methods, and Application management and security.
Please arrive by 6 to allow time to get through security. Photo ID required by security to enter building. It must match the name on the registration list.

Added by jcohen on October 7, 2009