28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016

President’s Lecture Series:

Panel discussion

Psychological Type:
The Impact of Jung’s Work in the Everyday Life

Panelists: Jane Maloney, Pamela Judd, and Cynthia Stengel Paris
Moderator: David Rottman, President, C.G. Jung Foundation

APT and Jung Foundation Members, $5, General Public, $10

Successfully navigating our lives in today’s world is an increasingly complicated challenge, often requiring the use of all of the tools of self-knowledge at our disposal. Carl Jung first developed the theory that individuals each had a psychological type, one which colors the way that we perceive things and make decisions. Jung’s initial theory has blossomed, especially in the last 40 years, to include practical applications for personality types in such areas as business, mental health, and politics, to name just a few.

In this program, local leaders of Association for Psychological Type (APT), New York City chapter, and a leader from Association for Psychological Type International (APTi) will discuss how Jung’s theories are applicable in these many areas of our lives as well as offer information about the work of APTi and the APT chapter in New York City chapter.

For the President’s Lecture Series, please reserve your seat by calling
the C.G. Jung Foundation at 212-697-6430.

Official Website: http://www.cgjungny.org/lectures_01.html#pl20090609

Added by cgjungny on May 12, 2009

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