706 Oak Street
Bakersfield, California 93304

Directed by Jarred Clowes

Featuring: Therese Muller, Jeremiah Heitman, Ryan Watts, Michael Pawlowski, Jennifer Barber, Mr. Kenny, Travis D, Morgan Roy and Sara Demkey

OCTOBER 26, 27 @ 11 PM
& NOVEMBER 2, 3 @ 8 PM

Admission only $5

Project: Ghost (running late night October 26 & 27th @ 11 PM and prime time November 2,3 @ 8 PM at The Empty Space) is the collaborative and experimental follow-up to last year's Project: Murder. Though unlike Project: Murder, which consisted of several short plays revolving around a central theme, Project: Ghost will be one cohesive story whose parts are penned independently by several different authors.

Official Website: http://www.esonline.org/

Added by TheatreAddict.com on October 25, 2007

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