14 Charterhouse Square
London, England

Renew your PRINCE2 Registered Practitioner status

Did you pass the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam 3-5 years ago?

This course is designed to help you renew your PRINCE2 Registered Practitioner status, which officially recognises that you have kept your PRINCE2 knowledge up-to-date. The training draws on your existing knowledge of PRINCE2 by showing you how to apply the method to the various styles of exam questions. You will be well prepared to pass the Practitioner Re-registration exam during the course.

What’s more, our exclusive online pre-course preparation will help you to re-familiarise yourself with PRINCE2 before you start training. We’ve pinpointed the essential aspects of the PRINCE2 syllabus in the preparation materials, with the major advantage that you can prepare for the course in just 4-5 hours, instead of the 10+ hours required by many other training providers.

Please note: The course is held on Wednesday afternoon, all day Thursday, and then Friday afternoon (the exam). This is not a refresher course. If you want to refresh your knowledge of PRINCE2 thoroughly before taking the exam, the PRINCE2 Refresher eLearning & Re-registration training course with exam is more suitable.

Official Website: http://www.knowledgetrain.co.uk/prince2-training-course-re-registration.php

Added by knowledgetrain on October 28, 2011