1530 Eisenhower Place
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108

Did you know that making your own salsa is better for the earth, easy on your wallet and healthier for you? Most commercial salsas contain up to 270 milligrams (mg) of sodium in just two tablespoons! Learning to can your own foods captures all the flavor and health benefits of locally grown produce in season and reduces your carbon footprint. Explore USDA approved canning methods and take home a jar of the tomato salsa you will make in this hands-on class. Scholarship recipients pay $10. Instructor: Cynthia Hodges. Register: Ann Arbor Community Education & Recreation, 734-994-2300 x 53202 or www.aareced.com

Official Website: http://aareced.com

Added by Daisy72552 on July 10, 2009