2040 Park Ave.
Detroit, Michigan 48226

"Ced N Teri", the hilarious new series created by Mikey Brown, is redefining what it means to be a “sit” com. The politically incorrect comedy about two, full-time couch potatoes and a cat, shot locally at the Planet Ant Theatre in Hamtramck, is quickly finding an audience on the mini screen at You Tube.

It all begins with a knock at the door. Ced (Mikey Brown) tries to deliver a pizza that Teri (Sarah Switanowski) never ordered. She’s drinking a beer. He asks if she has another. Ced sits on the couch and Teri gives him a cold one. Then we meet N, their four-legged co-star who sits between them. Will they ever get off the couch? So far, seven episodes have aired and there’s no sign of that happening. But they have some special visitors including the mail lady who also delivers Teri’s weed, a crazy neighbor and a character who pays homage to Wilson, the man who hid behind the fence in Home Improvement.

Each episode of "Ced N Teri" also features a local band or rapper who plays a song at the end of the episode and during the closing credits.

Several made-in-Detroit bands have graced the mini screen including The Brown Stripes, Blair, Hellen, Alison Lewis and Outdated Fate. Rapper JJ Sacks even portrayed Teri’s crazy ex in one episode as he serenaded her from the backyard with a special song about big booty. Awwwww, isn’t that special? And, in the soon-to-be-released Episode 8, look for funky rocker Jamie McCarthy who will also make a cameo appearance as a guy from The Repo Depo. He’ll break into "I’d Rather Be Ced N Teri" on Teri’s guitar. Before he repos the guitar, that is.

"I’d Rather be Ced N Teri" will not appear on "Salvation", Jamie’s upcoming album scheduled for release this summer. But Jamie will be stopping by to play his song and a few others at the premiere of "Ced N Teri", Episode 8, on Sunday, May 4, at the Park Bar in Detroit. Doors open at 8 pm. 18+ are welcome. Come and hang with the cast and crew at this free event - besides, it might be the only time that Ced and Teri actually get off the couch.

For more information about "Ced N Teri", and to see the previous episodes, visit www.cednteri.com or www.myspace.com/cednteri. For more information about Jamie McCarthy and his upcoming CD release party for "Salvation", visit www.myspace.com/jamiemccarthy.

(From left to right in the photo: Sarah Switanowski, Jamie McCarthy and Mikey Brown)

Official Website: http://www.cednteri.com

Added by faith148 on April 18, 2008