370 Brannan St
San Francisco, California 94107

Brian Oberkirch is in town and we figured we should host another in the series of very successful portable social networks meetups that we held this past July[1] and August[2] to catch up on some of the latest practical developments with open formats and services that are being implemented today for social network portability.

11:00-13:00 Friday at The Satisfactory

Background reading:
* Brian Oberkirch series on portable social networks
* Brian's post on David Recordon's recent Web 2.0 Berlin presentation
* Representative hCard (how to tell which hCard on a page is the representative hCard for that page)
* Tantek's Fundamentos Web 2007 presentation on Social Network Portability
* Social Network Portability wiki

[1] portable social networks meetup
[2] portable social networks meetup II

Brian Oberkirch (small good thing)
Ted Grubb (Satisfaction)
Leah Culver (Pownce)
Tantek Çelik (microformats.org)

Update: Brian had to unexpectedly return home a day early (this evening) but very much wants us to go ahead. So we are.

Official Website: http://microformats.org/wiki/events/2007-11-16-portable-social-networks-3

Added by tantek on November 15, 2007