Six Metrotech Center
Brooklyn, New York 11201

Podcamp NYC is an “unconference” focused on educating participants on how to use, implement and share any/all new media tools including, podcasts, videocasts, blogs, Second Life, Facebook, and YouTube. The conference is FREE to attend and you’re a “participant” versus an “attendee” at our event. You also make our conference happen since you register to speak. You can talk about anything you want as long as it focuses on new media.

Please sign up to attend/participate or to speak and email us at: PCNYC2 AT gmail DOT com if you'd rather we sign you up instead. We want you here!

Let us hear from you. Sign up for our newsletter below, check out our blog, and add your ideas to the Ideas From The Community or the Helping Teachers Wiki Pages.

Official Website:

Added by Converseon on December 27, 2007


Wikimedia New York City

You folks might be interested in the Wikipedia / Wikimedia NYC meeting on Sunday March 16.

I know we're certainly interested in your event, and I hope we can get a few presenters from our group to participate at Podcamp NYC.