1209 Main St
River Edge, New Jersey 07661

Summer is a-coming in! Join us around the Maypole on Sunday, May 3rd, from 1 to 4 PM at Historic New Bridge Landing, 1201 Main Street, River Edge. Imagine you are back in a time when the spring planting was done and nature allowed a moment of relaxation and community celebration. The Jersey Dutch joyously observed Pentecost as Pinkster, a holiday marking the budding of trees, the flowering of shrubs and feasting upon the first harvest of spring grains. In farming communities, a May-tree or pole was set in the ground and decorated with nosegays woven from wildflowers. A sporting contest, usually involving foot or horse races, determined who would be crowned as a figurative bride and groom, the May Queen and King. This flower-crowned couple led merry-makers in a procession, going door-to-door and gathering dyed eggs, butter, bread, cream, coffee, sugar, and tallow candles in their baskets. Food collected in these spring baskets furnished the table of the communal Pinkster supper, actually a mock wedding feast, complete with ring dances. Toasts with buttermilk, known as “white wine”, singing, and recital of the Pinkster Ode complete the celebration. Visit the historic Campbell-Christie, Demarest and Steuben Houses at the Bridge That Saved A Nation. The white oak dugout canoe from BCHS collections will be on display. There will be games and activities for children. Refreshments will be served. The public is most welcome.

Official Website: http://www.bergencountyhistory.org

Added by aschatking on November 12, 2009