2125 2nd Ave North
Birmingham, Alabama 35203

Several people have expressed a desire lately to have a meetup since we haven't done one in ages. Personally, I'd look forward to it to meet a lot of our newest contributers who have cranked out some really nice work. I propose a mashup of meeting/walking for Friday, August 10.

From Wikipedia:
Photowalking is the act of walking with a camera for the main purpose of taking pictures of things you may find interesting.

Photowalking is also a form of exercise as it can take the photographer over the course of several miles as they wander a particular site or neighborhood.

So which area of town would be the most interesting for a gaggle of photographers to shoot?

Some have expressed a desire to shoot downtown...at night. Strength in numbers would allow this.

Official Website: http://www.flickr.com/groups/magic_city/discuss/72157601169438768/

Added by mojodenbow on August 8, 2007