Vermont Folklife Center
Middlebury, Vermont

Photography is a tool for both exploring the world and expressing something meaningful about that exploration. When approached from an ethnographic perspective, photography is a powerful resource for collaborative engagement with individuals and communities interested in presenting, documenting, and understanding their cultural practices.

Intended for students, community members, staff members of non-profit cultural, community and social-service agencies, as well as professional researchers interested in learning more about digital photography technique and its use in ethnography, this class will provide instruction in the technical aspects of photography and examine the role of the camera as a window though which the researcher views the world.

Instruction in basic to advanced photographic techniques will be merged with ethnographic field research concepts. Workshop attendees will learn how to engage their surroundings consciously, thoughtfully, and photographically—in that order. Hands-on experience will be provided as attendees conduct their own "photo-ethnographic" documentary projects. Time will be made for reflection and critique of student work.

Official Website:

Added by Common Good Vermont on April 11, 2011