4522 Baltimore Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19143

What is Pecha Kucha? It's the Japanese word for "chit-chat" (say "peh chak cha"). It's also a kind of rapidfire creative show-and-tell governed by a simple rule: each presenter shows 20 images, and talks for 20 seconds about each one.

Invented by a pair of architects who wanted to hear about their colleagues' work yet avoid "death by PowerPoint," a Pecha Kucha event features about ten presenters hewing to a strict time limit. Wired magazine calls it: "Say what you need to say in six minutes and 40 seconds of exquisitely matched words and images and then sit the hell down." We call it an evening of fun, sociability, and a little larnin' thrown in.

Pecha Kucha has spread around the world in the past few years (PK's inventors list events at more than 100 other cities), but as far as we can tell, Philadelphia's never had a PK series. So we're starting one.

Interested in presenting? Drop us a line and pitch a topic. (Note: you need to let us know in advance; no just showing up with a speech and a thumbdrive.) Want to comment? Give a presentation? Get involved? Join our Facebook group or email us at [email protected].

Official Website: http://phillypechakucha.com

Added by JEPsculpture on January 13, 2009