32 Strawberry St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106

We will be holding our very first Philadelphia CocoaHeads meeting at IndyHall in Old City.

A rough agenda for our first meetup:
Meet & Greet - Communicate with other humans using the high bandwidth "face-to-face" protocol.
Show & Tell - Got something cool you're working on and want to share it? Please do so.
Main event - Some interesting person will talk about an interesting Cocoa programming topic for awhile.

This meeting's MAIN EVENT will be given by Andy Mroczkowski who will (tentatively) be giving a walkthrough of creating a deploying your first Cocoa application.

Again, we're meeting at IndyHall:

Official Website: http://cocoaheads.org/us/PhiladelphiaPennsylvania/index.html

Added by amrox on August 5, 2008



I'm going to do my absolute best to attend, but getting into the city from Blue Bell by 7am is going to be a challenge for me due to distance and taking care of kids in the morning. So I am kindly requesting an evening or weekend event in the future. ;) Thanks!


Just noticed that the event is listed as being at 7pm on the cocoaheads.org site - is that the correct time or is it 7am-9am as listed here?


I'll be there for sure!


Nice catch Rob, I fixed the time. It is 7 PM - 9 PM.


I would like to attend, I should know whether I can sometime tomorrow.