500 George St. N
Peterborough, Ontario

Bring a friend, the family, yourself and most of all - your pride! Don't miss this awesome opportunity to be out and proud in your own community!

Reading of the Proclamation at City Hall will be followed by the 5th annual Peterborough Pride Parade. The theme this year is "Come As You Are!" - it's all about you (and us) so lets not be afraid to show our spirit!

Finish-up this fabulous walk down 'the main drag' at the riverside Millennium Park. Hang out and meet friends or participate in some great activities organized by OPIRG and TQC or check out the RSO and other informative booths!

If you would like to enter a float in the parade, volunteer, or just get more info, please email us ahead of time to let us know!

There's no cost involved in the events, but donations will be accepted to help cover costs

Official Website: http://www.peterboroughpride.ca/

Added by pridetrvlr on May 16, 2008