559 Washington St
Boston, Massachusetts

ArtsEmerson: The World on Stage presents Persepolis. Based on Marjane Satrapi’s bestselling autobiographical graphic novel, this animated film follows Satrapi as an outspoken Iranian girl living through the 1979 revolution. Initially delighted with the end of the Shah’s regime, as Marji grows up under the rule of Islamic fundamentalists she becomes more vocal about the injustice of the new forms of repression. Worried that her opinions will cause her problems, Marji’s family sends her to Vienna to study. Coming of age in a foreign culture and plagued by troubling disappointments, Marji returns to Iran only to discover that both she and her homeland have changed, and she must decide where she belongs.

Official Website: https://artsemerson.org/Online/default.asp?doWork::WScontent::loadArticle=Load&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::article_id=4D1178DA-BCCF-48F4-8785-0D4CF862023C

Added by ArtsEmerson: The World On Stage on September 18, 2012