1111 Mainstreet
Hopkins, Minnesota 55343

Washington D.C. native Michael Chabon has wowed the literary world almost since he left the cradle. The novel he wrote for his Masters Thesis at U.C. Irvine, The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, became a New York Times bestseller. His second book, The Wonder Boys, became a feature film starring Michael Douglas and Toby Maguire. The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2001. In 2007 he released the wildly popular novel The Yiddish Policeman's Union. He has appeared before audiences in nine countries and lectures widely on what is clearly his favorite topic, the art and craft of fiction.

The Pen Pals Author Lecture series is the longest running and most highly regarded literary series in the Twin Cities. All proceeds benefit the Library Foundation of Hennepin County and the Hennepin County Library system. Purchase your Pen Pals tickets in advance and learn more about each program at: http://www.supporthclib.org/events-pen.html

Official Website: http://www.supporthclib.org/events-pen.html

Added by Library Fdtn of Hennepin County on November 6, 2009