34 NW 1st Ave
Portland, Oregon

We'd like to dedicate this month's meeting to HTML5. If you want to see some great apps built by local talent and get the skinny on HTML5 and CSS3 (the good, the bad and the the ugly) then make sure to mark your calendar.

We could always use more presenters! Do you or someone you know have a great app built in HTML5 or CSS3? Then come show it off or get some community feedback!

If you would like to present but it doesn't fit into the HTML5 topic, no sweat - just let us know if you're interested in presenting!

Join our google group here - http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-ux?hl=en

Don't forget to follow us on twitter - @PDXUX - http://twitter.com/#!/PDXUX

Added by PDX-UX on October 19, 2011

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