77 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Time: 7:00 PM
Location: 26-100

Hip-Pop in French: Contemporary Theater, Film, Dance, Comics and Graphic Arts

Pascal Rambert : works for film and for stage
SIDE ONE POSTHUME THEATRE (France) at MIT, November 13th (film event) & November 14th (live theater event).

Pascal Rambert (b. 1962) is among the most notable of the current generation of younger creators for the French stage. His vision is boldly contemporary and cutting-edge. In June 2006, the French Ministry of Culture appointed him to become the new artistic and administrative director of the Théâtre de Gennevilliers, one of France’s great national theaters. Rambert’s works tend to be multidisciplinary, often combining written text with dance, video, and original music. In addition to the bilingual (French and American English) Le Début de l’A., mounted in Paris at the Studio du Louvre by the Comédie-Française, his many stage works include After/Before, which was featured at the Avignon Festival in summer 2005; and Paradis (un temps à déplier) [Paradise (Time Unfolded)], which played to critical acclaim at Manhattan’s Dance Theater Workshop in December 2005 as part of ACT FRENCH, a season of contemporary French theater in New York. His publisher is Editions Les Solitaires Intempestifs (Paris).

Events are free and open to the public.

Three Experimental Short Films, Written and Directed by Pascal Rambert

Pascal Rambert explores the beginnings and the ends of love in these innovative experimental shorts. Screening will be followed by Q & A with the director.

Quand nous étions punk (When We Were Punk) captures two lovers, an American woman and a French man, at the height of their passion in a brief encounter at the Charles De Gaulle airport.

Carwash, filmed in one single shot and within the real time of an actual carwash, presents a couple’s breakup as seen and felt from the vantage point of their young daughter.

Début depicts the delicate, glorious beginnings of ‘l’A.,’ that is to say, of l’Amour, of Love.

Sponsored by Foreign Languages and Literatures, The MIT Contemporary French Studies Fund, Center for Bilingual/Bicultural Studies at MIT

Official Website: http://web.mit.edu/fll/www/news/

Added by girl on October 24, 2006