700 Paramus Park Mall
Paramus, New Jersey

Do you work in the Paramus area? Then let’s meet up for an informal “Business Lunch”. This lunch is less about networking and more about bringing people together who work in the area. How great would it be to make some new lunch buddies who are also Young Professionals?

Who Can Attend:
This will be a Members only event, aka you paid your Membership Dues.

I’m trying to work out a lunch special so that everyone will pay $10 for lunch, tax, and tip!

The restaurant will want RSVPs so please let us know if you are coming or thinking of coming. Reminders will be sent out the day before so that you can update your status.

Finding the Group:
Ask for the NJYP party once you arrive.

Bensi is in the Paramus Park Mall but as you can see from this picture you can see the Bensi sign from the parking lot. Drive around the mall until you see this sign.

Official Website: http://www.njyp.org/events/paramus-business-lunch

Added by its_supersara on November 11, 2009

Interested 1