310 E. Washington
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

No longer is the image of girls and girlhood pretty in pink. Now, it’s stereotypical, demeaning , limiting, and alarming. Packaging Girlhood exposes the ways media and marketers dictate what girls should look like, enjoy, become, and consume.

Join Dr. Lyn Mikel Brown, author of “Packaging Girlhood” and co-creator of Hardy Girls Healthy Women of Maine, for a talk on the findings of her research for Packaging Girlhood and what parents and girls can do to counteract the constant barrage of media messages that encourage accessorizing over academics; sex appeal over sports and fashion over friends.
Parents and Daughters in grades 8-12 are encouraged to attend.
Free and open to the public.

Website: www.strongmomsstronggirls.org
Ph: 734-764-9466
Email: [email protected]

Added by ihamktg on March 5, 2010