1740 North First St
San Jose, California 95112

I am really excited to be working with the man of 500 hats (and a million insights) Dave McClure - eventhough we only have a few days to pull off this event - but hey, what real unconference gets put together in advance anyway?

Intended for everyone interested in discussing the concepts behind the social graph and the companies that are working on making it OPEN and available for everyone, we are going to get together next MON during the Graphing Social Patterns Conference and have an Open Space, A Mashpit (for those working on developing applications to demo at AppNite MON night) and I (Chris Heuer) am going to lead a World Cafe to explore the most important issues of the open social graph.

We do need to charge $99 to attend in order to cover the expenses of the space and food - but hey, it also includes access to the opening party on Sunday night, the Appnite party on Monday night... and lunch (but no time for t-shirts unless someone gets the creative bug like today). Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Plaxo and Joyent for helping us keep the costs down and supporting this very important cause.

So come out and work with us on building the open social graph - or else we can let THE MAN control it instead...

Official Website: http://openfaced.pbwiki.com/

Added by chrisheuer on October 3, 2007