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Open source tools from GroundWork Open Source enable the University of Utah, SUNY and University of North Carolina, Charlotte to cut costs and better manage their IT environment. Here’s how.

Discover simple, cost-effective strategies for managing systems with open source. In this free, hour-long event, experts from GroundWork Open Source share real-world adoption experiences from the University of Utah, SUNY and University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Hear the benefits of open source, its advantages over proprietary solutions and how tools from GroundWork Open Source enabled these institutions to:

* efficiently manage, scale heterogeneous environments
* reduce ongoing monitoring costs
* consolidate views and reports
* make better use of IT resources

David Dennis, senior director of product marketing, GroundWork Open Source
Rich Trezza, senior sales engineer, GroundWork Open Source

See what open source tools can do for your campus and get answers to your questions in this informative Webcast moderated by Campus Technology’s Matt Villano.

Official Website:

Added by netdiva_amy on December 5, 2008