500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, California

Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications 2005, the premier gathering of professionals from industry and academia, including practitioners, researchers, students, and educators--all sharing their experiences with object technology and its offshoots.

Added by -garrett on August 12, 2005



I'm planning to be in town (just moved from SD) for RubyCon and work. I'll probably go on Tuesday to see Gerald Jay Sussman and Robert Hass.

Sussman (from just down the street at MIT) Is the author of the insanely influentual "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs". book. He will speak on "Why Programming is a Good Medium for Expressing Poorly Understood and Sloppily Formulated Ideas" from MIT.

Robert Hass was the Poet Laureate of the United States from 1995 to 1997 and will be speaking on "Creativity" for the Keynote.

I've been to two past OOPSLAs (Vancouver and Atlanta) and it is all chock full of Qualitative Goodness.


See the OOPSLA page for more info, program.

Registration and fees at https://protected.hostcentric.com/rsl/cgi-bin/OOP05/on1/RMSs.cgi