1150 S. Olive Street
Los Angeles, California 90015

Experience the hottest new, social phenomenon. Every guest receives an e-key with their personality embedded in it and a 'bingo' card. Your objective is to find a corresponding person who's personality is compatible to you.

How... just press a button, point the gadgets to each other and within seconds find out who is best for you!

Each time your e-key is successful, you will mark off a box that corresponds to your compatibilty with the other person. The first one to get a "bingo" will win great prizes at the end of the mingle.

With the OneKeyAway.com Mingle format, you will meet a lot of available local singles.

You can either relax and have people come up to you or you can go up to others. It is your choice.

Our party includes FREE Appetizers, great activity to win prizes, the opportunity to mix, mingle and make new friends all night long. Dress code is very hip professional

Visit our website at www.OneKeyAway.com for more information and register to the event or to add your e-mail address to our mailing list to be notified of future mingles.

Official Website: http://www.OneKeyAway.com

Added by OneKeyAway on May 31, 2007

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