7380 Teahen Road
brighton, Michigan 48116

During the courses the students learn Anapana, the awareness of their own natural breath. The aim is to enable them to practise after the course for about ten minutes twice a day. This daily practice has been found to bring many benefits, including:
* helping them to cope with stress, anxiety, worry and nervousness, and
* improving their concentration and memory.
As they learn to calm and concentrate their minds, they also learn to gain mastery over their impulses and actions.

To register: please print and fill out the forms and return to the address listed http://www.mi.us.dhamma.org/youth6_forms.shtml
Cost: there is no charge for the courses, which are funded by donations from students who have completed a course.

This course has a maximum capacity of 24 children, so please apply early.

Official Website: http://www.mi.us.dhamma.org/youth1_main.shtml

Added by patsup on March 14, 2007

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