1871 N High St
Columbus, Ohio 43210

Lots of teens are making movies at home and at school and showing their projects on blogs and YouTube. Here's a chance to see what some of these young media artists have been up to—in a theatrical setting.

Jean Pitman of the center's education department organized the Youth Division Showcase along with community colleagues. It features works shorter than 10 minutes by artists ages 18 or younger. Prizes are awarded to the top youth-produced videos, and we'll be announcing the winners at the screening.

We'll also be announcing the finalists for a PSA commission from Cardinal Health. Finalists will receive a $1,000 stipend from Cardinal Health (and ongoing technical support from the Wexner Center) for participating in a preliminary strategy session and creating a 15-second spot. (Once those spots are completed, one of the artists will be selected for an additional $2500 prize and may have their piece broadcast nationally.)

Stick around after the screening for a reception honoring the artists starting at about 5:30 PM and for the evening screening (works by artists 19+) at 7 PM.

Official Website: http://www.wexarts.org/fv/index.php?eventid=3881

Added by Wexner Center on March 27, 2009

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