2 Penn Plaza
New York City, New York

Rich Internet Applications are perfect for consuming enterprise services. While AJAX technology allows making Web clients richer, the lack of standards among the Web browsers introduces lots of issues. A typical Java developer knows that when you need to develop a rich GUI for a Java application or applet, Swing is the tool. But there is another tool called Adobe Flex 2 which drastically simplifies creation of the Web clients that can be easily integrated with the server-side Java applications. Flex facilitates creation of reusable components that can be accessed inside and outside of the corporate intranets, they need to provide outside developers with customizable pre-built components that can be easily integrated in composite applications. Adobe's Flex/Flash platform offers unique opportunities in both richness of the environment and global deployment accessibility.

In this session we will give you a brief overview of the current technologies used for development of rich internet applications and then you'll see a live demo of the application that uses Flex 2 on the front and Java at the server side. We will demonstrate how the binding of state-of-the-art clients improves appeal of business applications and reduces both development and the operational cost.

Yakov Fain, Managing Principal, Farata Systems
Dr. Victor Rasputnis, Managing Principal, Farata Systems

Official Website: http://www.nysia.org/events/calendar_disp.cfm?me_id=493

Added by urcella on May 30, 2006

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