250 Commerce Ave SW
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503

This staged concert will delight Early Music fans and Shakespeare lovers alike, as the Good Pennyworths pluck songs and dialogue from Shakespeare's plays and weave them together into new musical tales about fools, lovers and getting by in these "giddy-paced times." The program features music by John Dowland, Robert Johnson, Thomas Morley, Thomas Campion, John Danyel and other lute song composers of the Elizabethan era. This concert is a special fundraiser for the Musical Arts for Justice in the Community (MAJIC) Concert Series, open to the public.

Founded in 2007 to explore the dramatic possibilities of lute songs and ballads, the Good Pennyworths Quartet is becoming known for its inventive song interpretations and witty musicality. The quartet, featuring Erika Lloyd (soprano), Alane Marco (soprano), Christopher Preston Thompson (tenor) and Garald Farnham (baritone & lutes), are appearing in Grand Rapids as part of an eight-city Midwestern tour. Audio preview at www.goodpennyworths.com.
(Classical Music, Lute Music, Renaissance Music)

Official Website: http://www.grmajic.org

Added by GoodPennyworths on June 8, 2010

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