94 West Houston Street
New York, New York

NYC Small Business & Entrepreneur Networking Reception
Join The NYC Business Networking Group's upcoming networking event. Mingle freely and meet as many other networkers as possible. We had 125 people prepaid for our October event and we average about 80 people at each networking opportunity.
WHEN: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 at 6:30 PM
WHERE: Madame X Lounge, Private Upstairs Bar; 94 West Houston (Thompson & La Guardia)
COST: $10 prepaid by 12:00 Noon on November 11 or $15 cash/door.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/The-NYC-Business-Networking-Group
DRINKS: $4 and $5 delicious cocktail specials during happy hour from the bar's "naughty menu".
NOTE: We've hosted many events at this venue. They're very helpful to our needs so won't have any loud music during the event.
We'll help you meet business professionals to promote yourself, explore business opportunities and form strategic partnerships. Our networking events provide you with with an opportunity to meet a group of outstanding and successful business owners and entrepreneurs. The connections made at our events is where you START your business conversations with new contacts. Once you get someone's business card you can CONTINUE your relationship with that person after the networking event.
The NYC Business Networking Group is proudly sponsored by American Express OPEN for Business

Added by Real Live People Party on October 31, 2009